MySQL Replication Setup
Howdy all!
Today I’m going to walk through a setup of MySQL replication. In this example, I’ll have 1x master and 1x slave server. Depending on how you feel about those name designations, feel free to call it master and replica instead…
Okay, lets crack on!
This will be our setup
First things first, you’ll obviously need to have MySQL installed on both systems. This can be downloaded from the MySQL website. I’ll be using version 8.0.28.
Once installed, head over to the master server and take a copy of the my.ini file located in C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0. Once you have a copy, edit the original my.ini file and make the following changes:
- server-id=1
- bind-address=
- log-bin=mysql-bin
- default_time_zone=’+00:00′
These can be added anywhere to the file, but I recommend adding them right after the [mysqld] declaration.
You’ll probably have to save the file onto your desktop and drag it back into the above location.
Once saved, restart the MySQL service on the master server
Once the MySQL service has restarted, we need to create the required replication…